Ilustrační obrázek

MyBrochure (Moje brožura)

Online calculator for the production of digitally printed brochures where you can choose from a wide range of 8 bindings (vazba V1 SQF, V2, V2 PUR, V4 sewn, V8 sewn, V8 glued, ring bindings), including a production management system and connection to the ComGate payment gateway.
grafický návrhprogramování komponentelektronický kataloge-shope-commercenewsletter
Ilustrační obrázek

TERMI - home consumption monitoring system

Monitoring of heat and water consumption by apartment owners or building managers.
webdesigngrafický návrhprogramování
Ilustrační obrázek

KOSTAL ČR, spol. s r.o

We implemented a comprehensive solution for the management of a multinational corporation's website and intranet, including an internal HelpDesk - a bespoke online application.
webdesigngrafický návrh
Ilustrační obrázek

EKO Gymnázium Poděbrady - multimedální tvorba

High school web portal on the CMS WebJET platform with a special specialization in multimedia production.

webdesignvideo & audio & multimedia
Ilustrační obrázek

The Kocour Brewery

Website of regional brewery Kocour with e-shop.
webdesigngrafický návrhwebdesign v systému WebJET Cloude-commerce
Ilustrační obrázek

Opava City

The official website of the city and the municipality in Opava, divided into parts - the Statutory City of Opava and the Tourist Information Centre (including a calendar of events and facilities). As part of the Enterprise solution, CMS WebJET also serves as a platform for the operation of websites of city districts, e.g. Komárov, Milostovice, Malé Hoštice, Podvihov, Suché lazce, Vlaštovičky, Vávrovice, Zlatníky, etc.
webdesign v systému WebJETgrafický návrhprogramování komponent
Ilustrační obrázek

Böhmerland 21

The project website of the modern motorcycle Böhmerland 21, which is a continuation of the historical models of Albin Hugo Liebisch from 1925-1938.
webdesign v systému WebJETgrafický návrhwebdesign v systému WebJET Cloud
Ilustrační obrázek

Zero DC s.r.o.

Website for a well-known dog harness manufacturer with e-shop connected to IS Pohoda and GoPay.
webdesign v systému WebJETprogramování komponentelektronický kataloge-shope-commercenewsletter
Ilustrační obrázek


Website for store offering security technology, accumulators etc. with e-shop connected to IS Cézar.
webdesign v systému WebJETprogramování komponentelektronický kataloge-shope-commercenewsletter
Ilustrační obrázek

The Universe (Scientific Magazine)

Web portal of popular magazine. For example, there is also a payment for the article (paywall), respectively for access to the content of articles for subscribers (linked to the database of company SEND).
webdesigngrafický návrhprogramovánívideo & audio & multimedia e-commercenewsletter