Ilustrační obrázek

Severočeská vodárenská společnost a.s.

Web portal of SVS a.s. on the WebJET Proffessional platform with an online interactive map with an overview of current and planned constructions and their archive. The site contains a non-public section for shareholders.
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Ilustrační obrázek


Web portal Net4Gas WebJET Enterprise platform with online price calculator for usage of the transmission system.
webdesign v systému WebJETprogramování komponente-commercenewsletter
Ilustrační obrázek

Ústí nad Labem Cíty

Official website of the city and municipality of Ústí nad Labem, divided into sections Office and Leisure Time (including calendar of events and facilities). As part of the Enterprise solution, CMS WebJET also serves as a platform for the operation of city district websites. eg Stř etc.
webdesign v systému WebJETgrafický návrhprogramování komponent
Ilustrační obrázek

Liberec City

Web portal of the city of Liberec on the CMS WebJET platform. The solution included, for example, the connection of contacts with the Active Directory system or blogs of city representatives.
webdesignwebdesign v systému WebJETprogramování komponent
Ilustrační obrázek


Website for wholesale pens and other writing materials with printing and e-shop interconnected to Altus Vario. The system enables easy creation of so-called partner e-shops linked to the distributor's price list or warehouse. E-shop contains an online price calculator.
webdesign v systému WebJETprogramování komponentelektronický kataloge-shope-commercenewsletter
Ilustrační obrázek

Close to Nature

Web portal with database of protected and supported sites, database of protected plants and animals. Interesting is also advanced integration with GoogleMaps, responsive design, etc.
webdesign v systému WebJETgrafický návrhflashintegrace Google Maps
Ilustrační obrázek

TOS Varnsdorf a.s.

Portal of world producer of horizontal boring machines in  five language versions, incl. for example chinese version. In addition to this portal is also available corporate intranet, respectively. subsidiary company website

webdesign v systému WebJETgrafický návrhprogramování komponentelektronický katalogflashvideo & audio & multimedia